Sound System Options

YamahaEMX_07                   IMG_25581015_203335                  surin beach dj

We have many different systems to offer.

New Addition: Feb 2025: Yamaha DBR-15″ powered speakers (1,000 watt each!)

And they can be combined to form even bigger systems depending on the venue.

From our smallest:       2 -12″ powered speakers with it’s small built in mixer,

To our biggest:    2 sub-woofers, 6 top speakers, powered by 4,000 watts of amplification through a 16 channel Yamaha mixer.

Other choices:


  • 2-12″ powered (active) speakers
  • 6-15″ powered (active) speakers
  • 2-12″ passive speakers with 1,000 watt Yamaha EMX-5016 powered mixer
  • 2-15″ passive speakers with Yamaha EMX-5016 powered mixer


  • 2-12″ and 2-15″ active speakers with Yamaha EMX-5016 powered mixer
  • Add 2-Yamaha subwoofers to above system, powered separately by 2000 watt amplifier


  • 4-6 tops speakers (medium system above plus 2-4 speakers with sub-woofers (above)
  • Different combinations of any of the above

Normally for weddings, in 5 star resorts (where they don’t like to use sub-woofers as they tend to keep other guests awake) we use the Medium 1st option above.
The 2 – 15″ Yamaha speakers on the ground and the 2-12″ speakers on poles surrounding the area.
This is fine for up to 80 people.
If more than 80, we would add more speakers/amps/etc. depending on venue, indoors or out, proximity to other guests, etc.

Also, we are getting into more and more lighting options.

4 Speaker Yamaha Medium system with Powered Mixer

Medium system.

  Our  15″ NTS Powered Speakers (back)

Our NTS 15″ Powered Speakers (front)

subwoofer yamaha        

Yamaha Sub-woofer